Recommended Resources
Free Bible Reading Plans
One of the best places to start is by regular engagement with and meditation on the Scriptures. God has given us His Word, and every Christian who dedicates themselves to the practice of reading the Scriptures finds the testimony of Scripture to be true:
God’s Word is living & active, penetrating down the to bone (Hebrews 4:12)
God’s Word is essential for the development of the Christian’s spiritual life & useful for empowering, correcting, and encouraging one another. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
God’s Word, regularly consumed become sweeter than honey and a delight to us. ( Psalm 119:103, Jeremiah 15:16, Ezekiel 3:3)
And yet we understand that the Bible can seem intimidating and sometimes like an alien book. It often speaks poetically, symbolically, and often makes references to things the original hearers understood but which can sometimes seem abstract or difficult to understand. Even still, regularly reading the Scriptures themselves remains one of the best ways to grow in the knowledge of God and to become obedient, joyful Children of God.
Below we’ve featured 3 free, high-quality reading plans.
We’ve included an audio-only reading plan for those of you who might struggle to read consistently. Perhaps you could combine the audio with the visual reading to help you along your journey. Consistency is the goal. As questions arise, write them down and feel free to reach out to a Pastor. We’d love to sit down with you and discuss your questions about the text!
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan
The classic M'Cheyne plan--read the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels every day. This is a great way to familiarize yourself with your whole Bible and begin to see the consistency of the scriptures from OT to NT.
Check out the plan:
Read the New Testament in 24 Weeks
A reading plan that walks through the entire New Testament in 24 weeks of daily readings.
Check out the plan:
The Daily Audio Bible
If you struggle with reading but want to get into a habit of meditating on the Scriptures, the audio Bible is a great way to get into the rhythm.
Check out the plan:
Online Resources
Dig into topics, questions, and scriptures with these helpful tools and resources, whether you’re new to the Christian faith or a seasoned, faithful Christian all of these resources have something to offer you!
Ligonier Ministries - Provides ways for Christians to read, listen, and gather around God’s truth. Find articles, sermons, lectures, blogs, and more on many topics spanning the scriptures. Free
Theopolis Institute - A rich and profound source of biblical theology. Read blogs, watch videos or tune in to podcasts on specific passages or topics. Free
The Bible Project App - Check it Out to learn how to better notice things and be an attentive reader of scripture and the patterns contained within it. Free
BiblicalTraining - World-class education from premiere professors so you can learn and grow spiritually, for free.
Some Recomended Books
Introduction to Christianity
John Stott's accessible, classic book Basic Christianty examines the historical facts on which Christianity stands. With pastoral guidance, Stott presents a biblical portrait of Christ, and then considers what it looks like to become and live as a Christian. For more than sixty years, Basic Christianity has been a landmark resource that has helped millions understand the gospel.
Devotional Aid - Morning & Evening
As you reflect upon God's Word and His principles, you will find peace about the day you are about to face or the day that has just passed.
Spurgeon's rich biblical insights, extraordinary eloquence, and clarity of logic are interwoven throughout the daily selections to enhance your fellowship with God.
Devotional Aid - New City Catchism Devotional
Rooted in catechesis, the ancient method of teaching that has been significant to the church throughout history, this resource features fifty-two questions and answers meant to be memorized and recited over the course of a year. Each question and answer is accompanied by relevant a Scripture passage, along with short prayers and devotional commentaries written by contemporary pastors and historical figures alike.
Designed for use in a variety of contexts, The New City Catechism Devotional is valuable resource for helping believers learn and meditate on the doctrines that stand at the heart of the Christian faith.
For Families with Kids!
The New City Catechism for Kids is a 64-page mini-booklet that's easy for little hands to hold. It contains the 52 questions and shorter, simplified answers found in the primary New City Catechism book.
Answers are short enough for children ages 4-11 to read, understand, and memorize!
Spiritual Disciplines - What and How
Spiritual discipline sounds great in theory, but putting it into practice takes time and determination!
Updated and revised for a new generation, Whitney's guide reveals the importance of the disciplines; shows how they'll help you grow in godliness; and offers practical suggestions for cultivating them in your daily life. Includes in-depth discussions.
It's no wonder so many people are discouraged with prayer.
Instead of a genuine encounter with God, prayer is often little more than a grocery list of requests. How do you truly connect with God through prayer?
In Transforming Prayer, Daniel Henderson helps you overcome common barriers to effective prayer.